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Wow. So all that talk about Echoes of Wisdom being the first game where you play as Zelda was straight up a lie??

Yes. Even if this game didn’t exist, to some degree it would still be wrong because you (kinda) play as Zelda in Spirit Tracks

Save file corrupted, here is my save.

Sorry, I feel your pain here.  However some reason this song started looping in my head reading Kernal Panic...

I never played the original "Zelda´s Adventure", but I really enjoy the reimaged GBA version. It´s looks so much better and it seems to play better than the original.




(as the below commenter asked) Yes! I was just going to ask that. Please make a colored version! And demake the rest of the them if you get time!


also, can you make a color version??


can you make it so that it plays like links awakening? Better movement, make it so you can pick up items by walking over them like literally every zelda game before. Better music and sound effects especially for attacking enemies. We need hit detection so we know we are hitting enemies or being hit too. The demake is amazing so far and with a little bit of work could be a truly fantastic gaming experience. I know that it’s possible. As it stands its a good demake but plays horribly. I know the original game played horribly but it doesn’t have to be a one to one demake. Improving on the original is absolutely a must as far as playability and fun factor goes.




Got this playing in browser.


It's awesome to play as Zelda on a Gameboy game! Did you know there's a GBStudio plugin that will give you the flip-screen effect Zelda games use? Would be cool if you can implement it

I played for a few minutes on Retroarch Gambette and it crashed.


Playing this game was a dream come true. Your version of the game on the Game Boy is incredible. My friend, I can't compile the engine. I wanted to try to create a version of Zelda 3 for the GBC. Is there a place where I can download the precompiled fork to start the build?


The game worked perfectly ... once ... and now I can't even play it. It keeps saying that no save file is found ... even when I choose "New Game."

(1 edit) (+2)

how are you playing this game?  thru a web browser, a game boy emulator program or on a real gameboy hardware?  I am not experiencing that problem you are having

(1 edit) (-3)

Visual Boy Advance. So, emulator.


I use VisualBoyAdvance-M v2.1.9 emulator (with an "M" at the end of VisualBoyAdvance) on my Windows 10 computer and the save file loads and saves properly.


Yeah, well, it doesn't load and save properly on MY VisualBoyAdvance-M v2.1.9 emulator with an "M" at the end of VisualBoyAdvance.

Also, constructive criticism, "I'm not having that problem" is not a helpful statement. "I had that problem and here's how I solved it" is a helpful statement.

(5 edits) (+3)

yea well what operating system are you using since you did not mention that in the first place, which is also equally unhelpful

also try running VisualBoyAdvance-M from another computer or a different OS platform such as Windows or MacOS

I run the VBA-M app from a folder or path with a "short" name that doesn't contain spaces in between (never using folders with really long names or paths), on SEVERAL Windows based computers and they all work correctly, including game saving & loading.


y'all sound so entitled, it's absolutely insane. this is a free fan game made by one person in GB Studio - let's calm down a little.

i tried to play this game on a gameboy emulator for android on my phone an this error appeared after some minutes of gameplay

i tired to play this in my oldboy on a xiaomi redmi 9

(1 edit) (+3)(-7)

Really appreciate the effort here, but sadly it just doesn’t “feel” like a Zelda game. I’m not sure if this is due to limitations of GBStudio or what, but it feels very “off”.

1 - Can’t move diagonally.

2 - Combat is very stiff, and has no visual or audio feedback that you’ve hit an enemy (or that they hit you). The comic bubbles don’t really fit.

3 - Can’t just walk over an item to pick it up, have to press a button.

4 - Moving around an arrow cursor in the submenu or map instead of just moving a selector from one object to the next.

Again, appreciate the effort. There’s some solid framework here, but it needs some more work done to “feel” right. I’m not saying it has to be 100% authentic to an official game, but like… play Link’s Awakening for a good idea of how this game should play like.


So, I see a lot of downvote on your comment, and no explanation for them. I'll try to explain where those downvote came from, as it feels unfair to a comment trying to give constructive criticism.

This game is a port of the game "Zelda's Adventure" on the Philips CD-i, which is an officially licensed game by Nintendo, but developed by Viridis Corporation. It is the third games from the infamous Phillips CD-i Zelda trifecta.

Now, knowing this, this game is a one-to-one port, meaning that every points you proposed an improvement does exist in the original game. It is actually impressive to me that they would go the next miles to not change anything game design wise, as it is not advertised as a demake, but really as a port.

Now, if one would actually make a demake, those points that you pointed out would be really useful. 

As a sidenote, if you want a Phillips CD-i Zelda game but with better controls, I can't recommend Zelda CD-i Remastered by Dopply enough (, or the game heavily inspired by them (featuring the voice of Link), Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore, also by Dopply (


I am very well aware of the CD-i games, though I never played Zelda’s Adventure (just the other two). I’m also aware of the PC remakes and the very well done Arzette.

While I don’t know all of what the dev (john-lay) put into this, I don’t think “port” is the right word here, unless he actually used the source code from the CD-i game (is this even available anywhere?). I’d say that remake/demake would be more applicable. But, that’s more of a semantics argument, I suppose.

Even if it’s an unpopular opinion, I still feel this would benefit from “feeling” more like a main Zelda game.

Deleted 244 days ago

Same, there's also a lot of assets that appear to be official which could lead to a whole bunch of legal entanglements

I do however, want to see this game fully realized

(1 edit) (+4)

I just wanted to drop by and say that a new version of the GB Studio creation software was released a few weeks ago near the end of January 2024 (it's version 3.2.0).  hopefully when John reads my recent comment, he'll try to make a new version of Zelda's Adventure game with the newest version of GB Studio that would fix or solve some of these random crashing problems, though this may a take a while.

brand new major version of GB Studio released in late June 2024 - {version 4.0.0}.  john will have to make a backup copy of his Zelda's Adventure GB project before attempting to "migrate" it onto the 4.0x version of GB studio as this major version has a lot of changes and a lot of bug fixes.


can you make it so that it plays like links awakening? Better movement, make it so you can pick up items by walking over them like literally every zelda game before. Better music and sound effects especially for attacking enemies. We need hit detection so we know we are hitting enemies or being hit too. The demake is amazing so far and with a little bit of work could be a truly fantastic gaming experience. I know that it’s possible. As it stands its a good demake but plays horribly. I know the original game played horribly but it doesn’t have to be a one to one demake. Improving on the original is absolutely a must as far as playability and fun factor goes.


Great game but cant load save game get


Found out what's the problem. Saves break ONLY if you choose Save and Continue... If you choose Save and Quit the save won't break...


Thank you I'm leaving work soon I'll try it again 


Better try using savestates. Save and Quit return you to the starting point in the overworld and the dungeons.


The dev seems to have abandoned us.  I was hoping for a non-crashing version by this point, but no updates or even word that they are working on it.  I guess on the bright side, I don't have to give them my money now, but I do think I would prefer to play this without constant crashes...

The lesson you should learn from this is not to pressure those who make free games to fix them, then. You're not the only one who has a life, and no one owes you a reason for abandoning a project. Like, yeah, it sucks, but thems the breaks.



Crashed when loading my save.


(1 edit) (+2)

Someone replied to another comment that we should avoid using "Save and Continue", as that seems to be bugged. Someone else found that, if save states are available to you, that's the best option.

(7 edits) (+1)

The game is beautiful but after visiting a random church that healths you in the middle of the map all the text converted to blank boxes, not solved even restarting, so i couldnt complete the game. Also lot of random crashes totally at random walking or fighting in the world map enemies with the wand (hit boxes stop working and crash text, too many to mention). Also manual save not working on emulator (Ganbette).


Do we HAVE to download it? I just want something to play in my browser though...


Huh? But it's working for Me. 🤔


the game can be played directly from any modern web browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, safari & Microsoft edge. downloading the game is optional.


Why is the character running 6 times faster than it should be?


Played for 10 mins then lost all my life to see what would happen. I immediately got teleported onto a bunch of trees off the map which I could not get off of. then eventually got this screen.

crash while fighting moblins with wand south of the river mouth just after picking up the water item

after previous crash, now getting this error as soon as I load my save, had to start over with a new file


This looks really cool! I will wait until it's been patched more, but I'm looking forward to playing this on original hardware ^^ thanks so much for all ur hard work :)

smacked a moblin too many times i just felt like mashing attack on it and got this lol


What I was able to play was fun! This is a good remake and I probably wouldn't have tried Zelda's Adventure otherwise. I'd love to finish it! Unfortunately, it wouldn't allow me to save and now it won't let me start any new save files either. I'm not sure whether the problem was related to me playing on my browser or not. If the game gets updated with patches at some point, I'll definitely come back and finish it!



I tried to use a combination of local saves and save states on my Analogue Pocket to get through it but I got so many crashes and corrupted saves I had to give up.

Really enjoyed what I played, I hope it gets some patches so I can actually finish it.


i wanna see her titties


+1 rep


YES dude


i found the virgin

I am going to try and put this on a Geek Tech Cartridge and see if I can play it with my Epilogue GB Operator after I flash the ROM to the cartridge. I will be using an i7 Windows PC. Looks like a blast!!!!

(2 edits) (+1)

Got this error screen while whacking a Moblin with the wand to the west of the starting point. Playing on RetroArch's Gambatte core.

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